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LFO002 - Cinematica - MC-707 / MC-101 ( 50 presets )

LFO002 - Cinematica - MC-707 / MC-101 ( 50 presets )

Sales Price: 19 €
Discounted Price: 15,00 €
A brand new soundset made by LFO Team for MC-707 / MC-101... 50 massive and deep presets!
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LFO002 - Cinematica - MC-707 / MC-101 ( 50 presets ) - Details

Introducing MC-707 & MC-101 made by Roland © – “Cinematica” 50 organic presets !

“Cinematica” is a second chapter from our MC-707 & MC-101 preset series.

Both MC-707 & MC-101  are complex machines containing all Rolands best & historical synths in one portable and affordable combine !

We had put all our effort for the “Cinematica” and make 50 massive & deep presets with velocity & mod wheel controllers approved.
By Nick Klimenko aka Chronos, a creator of “Organica” for Waldorf Blofeld & “WS Universe” for Korg Wavestation & Anton Sacral Reason author “Stratosphere” for Wavestate

Our presets are ready to go in your tracks in every genre of modern electronic music.

Inside the pack:
Beautiful deep strings & pads
Space Soundscapes
Rhytmic Elements
Ethernal & oriental plucks
String emulations: Juno & CS-80

Enjoy and may the music come with you !



Roland ® is a registered trademark of Roland Corporation which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


LFO002 - Cinematica - MC-707 / MC-101 ( 50 presets ) - Video Preview 1